Website: Rao’s Homemade - Sauce 101

Wrote page on tomato sauce for Rao’s Homemade. Click on image to view.


Blog: Anywhere Real Estate - Welcome to Anywhere

Wrote blog post. Click on image to read.


Website: - Network Planning & Management for Telecoms (formerly Telcordia)

Wrote entire site. Click on image to view.


Article: E*TRADE - What is Dollar Cost Averaging?

Wrote investor education article for E*TRADE. Click on image to read.


Website: Rutgers-Camden School of Business

Wrote website. Click on image to view.



Wrote real estate=themed blog for Click image to read.




Anthem: Top Three Things You Need to Know About Medicare Advantage

Wrote and produced Medicare Part C educational video for Anthem, 2022.


Anthem: Why Annual Checkups Are So Important

Wrote and produced Medicare Annual Checkups video for Anthem, 2022.


Anthem: What Is A Comprehensive Medication Review?

Wrote and produced Medicare Comprehensive Medication Review video for Anthem, 2022.


Flush Guard Anti-Overflow Toilets: Go In Peace

Wrote script and tagline (Go In Peace) for Flush Guard Toilet


How to Use Minwax Express Color Wiping Stain & Finish

Wrote and produced Minwax video, 2012.


Click on image to view TV spot.


"New Jersey Lottery Guy" campaign - spot 1


"New Jersey Lottery Guy" campaign - spot 2


New Jersey Lottery - Sandwich Board


Mega Millions - Jackpot Awareness


Powerball - Jackpot Awareness

​Thompson's WaterSeal - 2013 


Minwax Polyshades Print Ad: Developed concept, wrote headline and copy.


Minwax Polyshades Print Ad: Developed concept, wrote headline and copy.


Salomon Brothers Humane Equity Fund Print Ad: Developed campaign tagline, wrote headlines and all copy


Pentek Radio Software Print Ad: Wrote headline & body copy


mPower Illuminator - Developed campaign, wrote headlines and body copy


Infineum Print Ad: Developed concept, wrote headline and body copy.


New Jersey Travel & Tourism - Wrote headlines & body copy


Wrote headline.

Ray-Ban - Golf Program Ad

Bluestar Jets - Developed brand tagline, wrote headline and copy

Bluestar Jets - Print Ad


Click on triangle to play radio spot.


New Jersey Lottery - The Ballad of the Red Ball


New Jersey Lottery - Santa


New Jersey Lottery - Dream Vacation


New Jersey Lottery - Independence Day Raffle


Paper Mill Playhouse - Full Monty


Paper Mill Playhouse - Boeing Boeing


Paper Mill Playhouse - Oklahoma!


Click any image for more information and a full-screen view.

Developed concept, selected image, wrote headline and copy.

Infineum - P6000 Oil Additives Print Ad


Developed concept, selected image, wrote headline and copy.

Infineum - Diesel Additives Print Ad


Wrote headline and copy.

Pentek - Software Radio System Print Ad


Wrote headline and copy.

Pentek - Software Radio System Print Ad


Wrote campaign tagline: The Line By Which All Drinks Are Measured.

Remy Cointreau - Distributors Print Ad


Wrote copy.

DoubleClick - Print Ad


New Jersey Travel & Tourism - Print Ad for UK Travel Agents - Wrote headline and copy.


NJ Division of Commerce - Logistics Brochure - Wrote headlines and copy.


E*TRADE Knowledge Center: Demystifying the Language of Bonds

Investor educaiton article for E*TRADE Knowledge Center. Click on image to read.

E*TRADE Knowledge Center: What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging?

Investor education article for E*TRADE Knowledge Center. Click on image to read.


E*TRADE Knowledge Center: Understanding Options Greeks

Investor education article for E*TRADE Knowledge Center. Click on image to read.


E*TRADE Customer Email: Financial Guidance


E*TRADE Customer Email: Recurring Deposits


E*TRADE In-Store Signage




Human Equity Fund Collateral & Poster: Salomon Smith Barney


Click any image for more information and full-screen view.

Wrote headline and copy.

mPower Illuminator - Print Campaign


Wrote headline and copy.

mPower Illuminator - Print Campaign


Wrote headline and copy.

mPower Illuminator - Print Campaign


Wrote headline and copy.

Pentek - Software Radio System Print Ad


Wrote headline and copy.

Pentek - Software Radio System Print Ad


Anthem: Why Annual Checkups Are So Important


Anthem: Top Three Things You Need to Know About Medicare Advantage

Click any image for full-screen view.


Daiichi Sankyo - Benicar Branding Campaign:  Aim Lower


Daiichi Sankyo - Benicar Branding Campaign:  Better Place


Wrote headline and copy

New Jersey Hope and Healing - Poster


Wrote headline and copy

Hackensack University Medical Center - Newspaper Ad


Wrote headline and body copy

Hamamatsu Photonic Systems - Print Ad


Wrote headline and body copy

Besler B-Verified Medicare Software - Print Ad


Wrote headline and copy

Hackensack University Medical Center - Newspaper PSA


Feature article for "Take Charge" - Magazine of Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America

Organized and wrote entire site

Organized and wrote entire site

Ocean County NJ Meals On Wheels Web - Click image to view site


Wrote entire ad

Clara Maass Medical Center - Full Page Newspaper Ad


Jaguar I-PACE Brochure

Click on image for full-screen view.

Developed campaign tagline, wrote headlines and all copy

Humane Equity Fund - Collateral Materials


Developed campaign tagline, wrote headlines and all copy

Humane Equity Fund - Poster


Wrote & edited all content for affiliate newsletter.

Wrote & edited all content for affiliate newsletter.

ESPN - Affiliate Newsletter


NJ Division of Commerce - Logistics Brochure - Wrote all headlines and copy


Paper Mill Playhouse - Acquisition Brochure - Wrote all headlines and copy


New Jersey Economic Development Authority - 3-phase Business Relocation Direct Mail Campaign


Wrote welcome message from CEO in DoubleClick conference program.

DoubleClick Insight Conference - CEO Welcome Letter


Minwax Simple Solutions Brochure Series - Developed story ideas and wrote copy


Click any image for more information and a full-screen view.

Wrote headline & copy, selected image and helped develop campaign concept.

New Jersey Travel & Tourism - Summertime Print Ad


New Jersey Travel & Tourism - Summertime Radio :60 - Wrote and produced


New Jersey Travel & Tourism - Summertime Radio :30 - Wrote and produced


Wrote headline & copy, and helped develop campaign concept.

New Jersey Travel & Tourism - School Administrators Print Ad


Wrote headline & copy, and helped develop campaign concept.

New Jersey Travel & Tourism - Shore Towns Print Ad


Click any image for full-screen view and more information.

Developed concept, wrote headline and copy.

Minwax - Polyshades Print Ad


​Developed concept, wrote headline and copy.

Minwax - Polyshades Print Ad

Developed concept, wrote headline and copy.

Minwax - Reviver Print Ad


Wrote headline and copy.

Thompson's WaterSeal - Print Ad


Thompson's WaterSeal - Radio :30 - Wrote and produced.


Minwax Express Color - How-to Video - Wrote and produced.


Minwax Simple Solutions Brochure Series - Developed story ideas and wrote copy

​Thompson's WaterSeal 2013 National :15 TV Spot


Click any image for full-screen view.


Wrote headline and copy.

New Jersey Hope and Healing


Developed facility name and brand, wrote headline and copy.

The Center for Healthy Relationships - Print Ad


Came up with campaign idea, wrote headline and copy.

New Jersey Lottery - Poster Campaign


Developed facility name and brand, wrote headline and copy.

The Center for Healthy Relationships - Newspaper Ad


Wrote headline and copy.

National Crime Victims' Rights Week


Developed facility name and brand, wrote headline and copy.

Developed facility name and brand, wrote headline and copy.

Center for Healthy Relationships - Newspaper Campaign


Feature article for "Take Charge" - Magazine of Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America

Ocean County NJ Meals On Wheels - click image to visit site


Click on image to view TV spot.

"New Jersey Lottery Guy" campaign - spot 1


"New Jersey Lottery Guy" campaign - spot 2

The Full Monty sign.JPG

The Full Monty Radio :30 - Wrote and produced


Oklahoma! Radio :30 - Wrote and produced


Click any image for full-screen view.


Wrote headline.

Ray-Ban Alice Cooper Golf Tournament Program Print Ad


Developed concept and wrote headline.

Hard Rock Cafe - Figure Skating Program Print Ad


Paper Mill Playhouse Postcards


The client never chose these. I wish they did.


Our Lady Of Lourdes Medical Center - Heart Institute Print Ad


Legrand - Branding Concept


Thompson's WaterSeal Radio


New Jersey Lottery Radio